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HTML5 Pong updated with license and new graphics

I got an email by an employee on Ericsson today, asking if he could use the code of my HTML5 Pong. Thinking that this could be modified and published somewhere I started to clean up the code a little and started to change the graphics.

I have also added a License to the game so the game is now free software. You can use the code of the game provided that you release your modification as free software. The license I chose was GPLv3 as I want some credit for my work.

If you use the code, it would be very nice if you would provide a link to the game page or to my site.

I will provide a some simple HTML code for making it possible to embed the game into your blog post soon!

Now it's time for bed, have fps game to continue working on tomorrow and some laborations of game design and computer graphics to finish.

Check out the updated version!



Hi David,

I like your version of pong. It's the best of seen to date. I think Pong is a great way to learn js. Actually, I am new to programming and I am having a blast with it already. Do you mind if I can download the code so I can dissect it and le


Hi David,\r\n\r\nJust wanted to let you know that I\'m using your pong game for my under construction and 404 pages. Great work.\r\n\r\nJesse


Just thought I would drop you a note, mentioning that we are using your game for an HTML5 demo for students age 12-16 at a computer camp. Thanks for open sourcing it.


Hi David,

I want to use your game to my under construction page but I cannot downloaded from your link.
it says:

You don't have permission to access /projects/pong/ on this server.

Please let me know how can i download it.

Thank you for m


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