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Pong in HTML5!


This game is based on the HTML5 elements canvas and audio. With some simple javascript to make it work.

To play this game you need a modern web browser with support for HTML5. Audio only works with Firefox 3.5+ at the moment.

Made by David Laurell

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Download Firefox3.6 for the full experience or another with good HTML5 support. The game is tested in Firefox 3.0+, Chromium 4+, Chrome 4 beta, Opera and Internet Explorer 8. To get the audio to work you are required to use Firefox for the moment.

Visit the project page for more info.



This game is made in pure javascript using the latest features in HTML5 like the canvas and audio elements.

The game should work in all major browsers that has HTML5 support. ExplorerCanvas is used to bring the same functionality to Internet Explorer. Audio does only work in Firefox 3.5+ and other browsers that has the audio support for OGG or WAV.

The game is free software licensed under GPLv3. If you use the code for various cool projects, it would be nice if I could get a mention and a link to the game's page or my site. :)

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