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Web design updated

As you can see, I have now updated my web design on this site. It's build with HTML5 and I hope It's going to be easier for search engines to read the information on this site.It's still a bit work in progress though. I wanted a more open white design where I wasn't bound to have a header for every page. (It's still going to be different headers for different sections). I also wanted the site to be more simple and easier to use. I have implemented @font-face which only works in the latest browser such as Firefox 3.5 but if you're using one of those, it looks pretty nice!

Some more work left is to rebuild the underlying system (again) to allow blog posts to be shown in a project page and also show tags for each article or blog post.

I have also started to build a mobile version for Android and Iphone devices but right now you will not see any design at all as the CSS is almost empty. Check back soon with your mobile for a mobile version! ;-)


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